What is going on with your EMR implementation? If you’re a physician or a physician practice manager, this topic has certainly come up in the past year. Although the question has come up, you may have very well not done anything yet. With the promise of Federal Government incentives, payer penalties and the horror stories of deinstallation from some of your colleagues, you may likely be frozen in place, too confused or too scared to take the plunge. How can you overcome this inertia? After all, you’re in the business of practicing medicine not Information Technology!
The good news is there are more resources than ever before to help with a structured software selection process. Also, there are IT companies that offer healthcare consulting and that have staff with clinical experience and healthcare software experience that can prove invaluable as you move forward with an EMR selection and implementation. There is a vast array of EMR vendors; sometimes the most difficult step is narrowing the field.
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KentuckyDoc magazine, coming out next week.